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Бизнес-центр Кантемировский

Class C

-Saint Petersburg, Instrumentalnaya-ul,-3

Бизнес-центр Кантемировский

-Saint Petersburg, Instrumentalnaya-ul,-3

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Available spaces

There are no available spaces in this property. But we can find an alternative option for you upon your request. Just email us your requirements :

Financial terms

stavka-vklyuchaet-opex no
Net included no
VAT included yes
Utilities are included no
Cleaning no


Cafe for tenants yes

General properties

otdelnyy-vhod yes
Ceiling height 2.70
Typical floor 2200.00
Year build 2012
GBA, sq m 49530.00
Floors 5
Ventilation system no
Air-condition system central
Layout cabinet-corridor
Redevelopment available yes
Seats parking 500
Fire safety yes

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Number of employees

Space per employee

7.5 sq. m – tight

7.5 sq. m – tight 10 sq. m – spare 14 sq. m – spacious



Meeting rooms




Recommended space

~ 7.5 м2

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